abrsm-logo Can I work towards a graded exam? Yes, all our teachers are happy to work towards both the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) or Trinity Guildhall Graded exams with their students.

Can I have lessons in my own home?  All our teachers will travel to your home. Teachers primarily work in Muswell Hill, East and North Finchley, Crouch End, Highgate and other nearby North London locations but may travel elsewhere so please get in touch to find out.


Do I need a piano? It is important to have something to practice on. When you are just starting out, a keyboard will be ok, particularly if you can get a touch-sensitive keyboard preferably with weighted keys. As you improve it will be more important to start to get used to the feel of a real piano.

How long should my lesson be? Usually we suggest 30 or 45 minutes to begin with, particularly for younger students. Older and more advanced students will usually benefit from the longer lesson length of 60 minutes

IMG_5027I am an adult who has never played before – can I start to learn? It is never too late to start learning the piano. We have teachers who specialise in teaching adult beginners.

When is it possible to have  lessons? Our teachers are available throughout the week including weekends, we will find you a teacher available at a time that suits you.

12187674_10156204851320296_7101581142843201209_n-2How much experience do your teachers have? Most of our teachers have a minimum of two years of experience, usually many more! We have teachers who specialise in teaching children, adults, beginners and more advanced students.

How much notice do you require for cancellation of lessons?  Most of our teachers require 24 hours notice for cancellation of lessons.